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How to Score Points




  1. Only financial members can score points. At the time of tagging/capturing a fish the angler must be a current financial member of the club. No points will be awarded to un-financial members.
  2. Club boats may invite a ‘’guest-angler’’ to fish for one day only. A “guest-angler” must not have previously been a member of MGFC. Any points scored for the day by the “guest-angler” will contribute to MGFC club points for the boat. “Guest-angler” points will not be recognized by the QGFA. This rule is to ‘’promote’’ a friendly and inviting atmosphere in the club and encourage guest-anglers to become financial members. If the guest-angler wishes to join the club during the season those points will be awarded to the angler at club level, not QGFA. Please advise the Club Captain when fishing a “guest-angler”.
  3. Whether a fish is tagged or captured, the Club Captain must receive a capture form, activity sheet and/or tag card correctly filled out, in the specified time period (Rule 4)  in order for the points to be valid.
  4. Activity sheets and tag cards must be in the Club Captain’s possession by the 28th of the following month the fish was tagged or captured to qualify for MGFC annual awards.
  5. Activity sheets and tag cards must be in the Club Captain’s possession by the 28th of the following month the fish was tagged or captured to qualify for QGFA annual awards.
  6. All record claim fish in the Game section must remain whole; any fish that is mutilated in any way must have an explanation in writing for the Club Captain to determine if the capture is legal.  (Refer to GFAA Game fish journal in record claims).
  7. GFAA angling and equipment rules apply to all times.
  8. Club fishing boundaries are between Double Island Point (North) to Pt Lookout (South).  All points scored outside of these boundaries go to members out of area trophy only.  No boat points will accrue for out of area points.
  9. Club rally days will be at the discretion of the Committee.
  10. For annual Club Champion trophy, the member who wins must have scored points in all sections Including Game, Rock, Beach & Estuary and Freshwater having the highest total points overall.
  11. Boat points are only eligible if the fish are caught by any angler being a member of a Club affiliated with QGFA, GFAA or an IGFA member. These points must also be scored within the Club’s fishing boundaries.
  12. Boat points can only accrue on one boat in any given season. If a boat owner buys a new boat or changes the name of their boat during the season, boat points cannot be transferred, or combined for an annual total.
  13. Light Tackle Points Scoring
Light Tackle - Depth Zones
Light Tackle - Depth Zones (Less than 150m)
Line Class 1kg 2kg 3kg 4kg 6kg 8kg 10kg 15kg
Billfish 1500 1350 1200 1050 900 750 650 500
Yellowfin, Longtail & Dogtooth Tuna 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100
Other Species (Excl. Sharks) 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 100
Half points for Other Species & Tuna going less than line class

14. Heavy Tackle Points Scoring

Heavy Tackle - Depth Zones
Heavy Tackle - Depth Zones (<80m, 80m - 150m, >150m)
Depth Less Than 80m Mid Depth (80m-150m) Greater than 150m
Line Class 15kg 24kg 37kg 60kg 15kg 24kg 37kg 60kg 15kg 24kg 37kg 60kg
Billfish 0 0 0 0 500 400 0 0 1500 1300 1000 800
Yellowfin, Longtail & Dogtooth Tuna 0 0 0 0 100 75 0 0 800 600 300 100
Other Species (Excl. Sharks) 0 0 0 0 100 50 0 0 300 200 100 50
Half points for Other Species & Tuna going less than line class

15. Heavy tackle zone starts at 150m depth, any line class in this zone less than 15 kg for tagging will score as 15 kg points. Point scoring is designed to accommodate species other than billfish that maybe available over twelve months in this zone.

16. Weigh Points Scoring. All game fish weighed must be equal to or above line class. For example: A fish caught on 10kg line must weigh more than 10kg. Points will be calculated with the following formula with a 10% allowance for gilled and gutted fish.

(Fish Weight ÷ Line Class) x 100

17. Fish may be captured and weighed on any IGFA line class. However, to score club points the fish must weigh the same or exceed the line class.  (e.g.  A fish caught on 6kg line must weigh 6kg or better).  Applies to game section only.


  1. The boundary does not apply to fish caught in the Beach, Rock and Estuary or Freshwater categories, but anglers must adhere to localized and current Qld Fisheries regulations.
  2. Fish caught offshore are not applicable in this category. Points may only be scored for the fish species outlined below.
  3. Rock, Beach & Estuary and Freshwater capture/ release form must be in the Club Captain’s possession by the 28th of the following month the fish was captured or released to qualify for MGFC annual awards.
  4. A non-metallic leader of greater breaking strain than the line, but not exceeding one and one half the times (1½) the length of the rod may be used.
  5. Double line is permitted provided the leader and double together do not exceed one and one half (1½) times the length of the rod.
  6. Non IGFA rated nylon and braided lines can be used. Breaking strain of line is to be written down on the capture form for points to be calculated. Failure to do this will see no points awarded.
  7. ’’J’’ hooks and circle hooks can be used with either live or dead bait. Gang hooks are permitted.
  8. All fish must be legal length but do not have to exceed line class.
  9. Fish to be weighed with scales where practicable. If fish are to be released an estimated weight is required.
  10. Dusky Flathead may be weighed for Club points, however there are no records for this species.
  11. Beach Rock & Estuary Points Scoring. Points Formula is:

((Fish Weight (kg) x Fighting Factor) x 100) ÷ Line Class

Species Fighting Factor and Legal Length
Species Fighting Factor Legal Length (cm)
Bonefish 2.0
Bream – Yellowfin 1.2 25 min
Bream – Fingermark 1.8 25 min
Bream – Pikey 1.2 25 min
Estuary Cod 1.5 38 min - 120 max
Dart 1.0
Silver Drummer 1.5
Flathead (Dusky Flathead) 1.0 30 min / 40 min – 75 max
Flounder 0.5
Hairtail 0.5
Javelin Fish (Grunter) 1.2 40 min
Mulloway 1.5 75 min
Luderick 1.2 30 min
Mackerel Spanish 1.0 75 min
Mackerel School 1.0 50 min
Mackerel Shark 1.0 50 min
Mackerel Spotted 1.0 60 min
Diamond scale and sea mullet 1.0 30 min
Snapper 1.5 35 min
Tailor 1.0 35 min
Tarpon 1.5
Tarwhine 1.2 25 min
Trevally (All) 1.5
Tuna (All) 1.5
Whiting 1.3 23 min
Wolf Herring 0.8
Yellowtail Kingfish 1.5 60 min
Freshwater Species List
Freshwater Species List (Max Line Class 24kg)
Species Fighting Factor Legal Length
Barramundi 1.5 58 min – 120 max
Bass (Aust) 1.5 30 min
Carp (Noxious) 0.8
Eel Tail Catfish 0.8 35 min
Estuary Perch 1.5 30 min
Mangrove Jack 2.0 35 min
Murray Cod 1.5 60 min – 100 max
Salmon 1.5 40 min
Saratoga 1.4 50 min
Spangled Perch 1.0
Silver Perch 1.0 30 min
Trout 1.5
Golden Perch (Yellowbelly) 1.5 30 min
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